Custom Fields for Contacts

BestInvoicing provides additional fields to record information on your contacts (customers/suppliers) that matters to your business.

Creating Custom Fields

  • Navigate to the top tight of BestInvoicing and click your email address

  • Select 'Company Settings'

  • In the middle menu, select the tab 'Custom Fields for Contacts'

  • Click the green button at the top right, 'Add Field'

You will now determine the format and possible contents of this field.

Select the Input Method

Option 1: small text field. You can add one line of text in this field. Example: indicating the membership card number of a customer.

  • Name: Membership nr.

  • Value: 123456

Option 2: large text field. You can add multiple lines of text here. Example: indicating how a customer heard about your business.

  • Name: Referral

  • Value: James C. at Napoli fair 3/04/2022

Option 3: select from options. Add multiple options as values for the field. Example: indicating the type of customer for a bike company.

  • Name: Customer Type

  • Value: select from -> Rental, Purchase or Maintenance

Use a comma to enter and separate the different options in the field 'Options'.

Option 4: yes or no. Select or deselect a value. Example: indicating whether or not a customer wants to receive a newsletter.

  • Name: Newsletter

  • Value: box is selected or not selected

Display on Documents

For each created field you can indicate whether or not you want to display it on documents. If you want to display it, the field and its value will appear below the table of products/services.

Would you prefer this field to be displayed somewhere else on your documents? Contact

Display in the Customer File

The created field will appear in the customer file, where its value can be attributed. In your customer overview, you can apply a filter to display or filter this new field (example 'Newsletter'):

Last updated